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Our bug sweeping service specializes in conducting a Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) business bug sweep to locate hidden cameras, audio bugs and concealed audio recording devices. We are the business bug sweepers conducting business bug sweeps throughout the United States. Our experienced and trained TSCM technicians are able to detect Hidden Cameras, Audio Devices, GPS Trackers in cars and even more. Business Bug Sweeps is our Specialty. Trust our bug sweep experts in finding and removing covert audio and video eavesdropping devices.
We offer you a Free Consultations with a TSCM technician available to speak with you 24/7. We have more than Twenty Years of Experience and utilize the most modern and sophisticated electronic bug detection equipment.
Call us for an instant quote and let us assure your business with the privacy you expect and peace of mind you deserve.
There are many reasons and areas of risk that should concern you as a business owner. Not only should you be concerned about a competitor learning insider secrets about your operation, but you also need to be concerned about employees with ulterior motives, sexual deviants placing cameras in bathrooms, and anyone who may want to cause harm to your brand.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your business may be. You risk being put out of business if valuable information was to be acquire by any one of your competitors.
Imagine a competitor listening and learning any of the following:
- Your current projects
- Future project details
- Your pricing schedule
- Your client list
- Upcoming conferences
- Executive schedules
- Company secrets
If your competitor was to learn any of the items listed above it could drastically affect your business and success. It is not uncommon for a competitor to place a mole in your organization who could easily install an audio or video bugging device to monitor your activities!

If you’re like most businesses, you have your most frequent and most important meetings in your conference room. Can you guarantee that that there isn’t a hidden microphone, audio recorder, or hidden camera in your conference room. No matter how optimistic you may be, unless you have recently had a professional TSCM debugging sweep, you really can’t make that guarantee. Fortunately, a professional TSCM sweep can determine if such items exist in your conference room. So, before you have your next important meeting, let our technicians sweep your conference room.
are often the target of audio and video bugging devices by either their employer or an ill-minded co-worker. The only way you would ever know if this is happening is to have your office or workspace physically and electronically inspected by a trained TSCM technician using very sophisticated and expensive electronic scanning devices.
A quick Google search for “found hidden camera in restroom” will reveal an amazing number of news articles where a hidden video camera was found in the public restroom of a business establishment. You simply can’t risk the negative publicity that will result from someone finding a hidden camera in the restroom of one of your locations. A regularly scheduled sweep of your restrooms can make a big difference and avoid a financially devastating incident.

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- Start and finish date provided (and it's usually the same day)
- Manufacturer-certified and trained installers for every single job
- Lifetime warranty on all materials
- Lifetime warranty on labor for as long as you live in your home
- Rubberized shingle that won't crack, delaminate, buckle or curl

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