Contact Us Now at 888-808-4802 For Free Instant Quote
Our Bug Sweep experts will perform a comprehensive TSCM Aircraft Bug Sweep of your plane, private jet, or commercial aircraft. The professional bug sweeping services we provide nationwide can also detect Hidden Cameras, Audio Devices, GPS Trackers in cars and even more. Our Aircraft Bug Sweep is not our only business. You can trust our bug sweepers to find and remove audio bugs, audio recorders and hidden cameras. Call us for a Free Consultation. We have more than Twenty Years of Experience and utilize the most modern electronic detection equipment. Let us assure your privacy and peace of mind.

Smart executives realize that information has value and the content of their most private conversations can be of tremendous value to a competitor or someone who is not as loyal as you may have expected.
Bug Sweep AircraftEven with the most stringent FAA regulations and airport security, it only takes seconds for someone to plant a covert recording device in your personally owned or leased aircraft.
If you are using leased or partial ownership aircraft, do you know who used the jet or plane before you? Could they have planted a covert recording device to obtain confidential information they might use to their advantage or to blackmail you?
Audio recording technology has become so advanced that there are devices being imported from Europe and Russia that are extremely small and can record for many hours and with amazing clarity.
You can count on our most experienced TSCM technicians to conduct a through visual and electronic inspection of your private aircraft, before, during and after your flight.
We use much of the same equipment used by the United States three letter government agencies. It includes, the Department of Defense as well as Department of Justice. Similarly, fortune 100 companies as well as even foreign military organizations.
Our TSCM technicians have hundreds of hours of on-site manufacturer training. Therefore, they have the most current training and hands on experience. Our technicians often train alongside government representatives and technicians from foreign governments.
Take a moment to call us and let us provide you a confidential quote. In return, we will provide you our debugging service for bug sweep in aircraft before your next flight.
Remember, we are here to assure your privacy and peace of mind!